Things I have learned + a note about company culture.

I have learned a ton in the last couple of days.  Mostly about WordPress.  It has also been really interesting to see how different companies work and how the culture really affects the work place.  So of the guys I work with told horror stories about how their old bosses were overbearing and crazy. One guy said that he had to log what he was doing EVERY 6 MINUTES. Even on lunch.  We have a quick standup meeting every morning to make sure we are all on the same page and then we dig into our work.  I like it. 

I set up a CDN (content delivery network) for the company blog to make it go faster.  I wrote a little php code to auto crop images for the doctors who write on the blog.  

And finally, if you don't want unpublished drafts to appear in your "Recent Drafts" sidebar, just use this little command in the query. 
'post_status' => 'publish',

WordPress – Switching Servers

Lots of new things at work today. If you were wondering how to
transfer a blog from one server to another, here is the simple list.

1. Install wordpress on the new server. Remember your database details.
2. Copy all the files over from your old server. Yes all of them.
Just do it.
3. Put your new database details in your old blog configure file.
4. Install the WordPress Importer
5. Export your old blog.
6. Import to new blog.

And you are ready to rock baby.

That is your little tech thought for the day.

Good Quotes

I am a sucker for good quotes.  I love lessons learned over time condensed into a wise saying.  

There are your two quotes for the day.  I have a bunch more on Pinterest.  Yes, you read that right, I have a Pinterest.  Pin all the things. 🙂


MySQL: little history

MySQL is an open source database language.  It was named after founder  Michael Widenius' daughter My.  It is widely used today.  Mid-sized companies such as Google, and Facebook and Twitter all use MySQL.  

Basically, if you are dealing with a database, you are going to be using MySQL.


Day 2 at Orca.  Whirlwind.  Not as bad as the first day, but pretty crazy.  Here is a smattering of things that I learned and used today. 

Terminal Commands

ls – shows a list of everything in your current folder. 
cd 'folder name here' – moves to that folder.
cd .. – moves back up one folder
cd – send you back to you home folder or directory. 

Make All Links In Safari Open As New Tabs

Screen shot of Safari Window
New windows, baaad. New tabs, gooood.

In general, Safari’s tab controls are wonderful, but one failing drives us crazy: Certain links are allowed to override your preference for opening new webpages in tabs, essentially forcing the application to open a new window. To prevent this in the future, execute this command: defaults write TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool TRUE.

Make a little box pop up in javascript = alert('I am an alert'); – I always forget this for some reason. – very important.


Today was my first day at Orca Health. And boy was it crazy. Here is a list of things that I did today. The bold items were things I didn't really know how to do.

Install Linux
Edit and create files from the command line
Program full functions in jQuery
Use Sublime Text 2
Use Transit
Install WordPress
Install WordPress over ssh

Debug in the dev tools in browser

Learned a lot today.  Looking forward to tomorrow!

Photoshop: quick history


(The first Photoshop splash screen)

Did you know that Photoshop was released in 1990 for the Mac? It was written by two brothers, Thomas and John Knoll.  They demoed the software to Apple and Adobe but Adobe was the one who decided to distribute it. 

Computers really are incredible. A tool initially built by one guy and his brother has come to touch almost every life on this planet. If something is visual, there is a good change something in that image touched Photoshop. 

This article about the history of Photoshop really shows how far the program has come.  The fact is, I remember using version 4.0 of Photoshop.  Which came out in 1996.  I remember thinking that this program was the coolest thing ever.  

Moving forward, it is exciting to think of the possibilities of where Photoshop can go.  I think the system will continue to get faster (although maybe this can be attributed to computers getting faster) and complex operations will continue to be boiled down into "brushes".  Healing a bad patch on an image used to require some skills and knowhow.  This was packed up into a brush that makes it easy to get 80% of the job done with limited skills or training. I think other processes and "skills" will be packaged into brushes or processes making  Photoshop increasingly easy to use for the common computer user. 

Did you know: Java

Java was developed by Sun and released in 1995.  It is meant to run on a java virtual machine whichs theoretically could run on any computer.  

It was released in 2007 under a GNU public license.  

I was packing today to head back to Utah, so this is it for today. 🙂


When programmers talk about source file control systems they most often talk about Git. If you have one person writing a paper, it is easy to track the changes and differences.  But imagine you had 10 people writing the same paper.  And it wasn't real time (like Google Docs).  How would you track which changes affect which changes and which is the most current state of the paper? 

Git is a version control and source code manager.  You can use it as much or as little as you want.  Basically it saves snapshots of your work and provides tools to ensure that the version you are working on is the most current version and the changes you are making are not negatively affecting someone else.  

That being said, at the moment I find Git hard to use.  

(This is the Git UI.  Terminal.  Command line.)

There are various project and sites and tools to make Git easier to use (see  Github for Mac seems like a good place to start.  I will report on how it goes soon. Until then… party on!


When programmers talk about source file control systems they most often talk about Git. If you have one person writing a paper, it is easy to track the changes and differences.  But imagine you had 10 people writing the same paper.  And it wasn't real time (like Google Docs).  How would you track which changes affect which changes and which is the most current state of the paper? 

Git is a version control and source code manager.  You can use it as much or as little as you want.  Basically it saves snapshots of your work and provides tools to ensure that the version you are working on is the most current version and the changes you are making are not negatively affecting someone else.  

That being said, at the moment I find Git hard to use.  

(This is the Git UI.  Terminal.  Command line.)

There are various project and sites and tools to make Git easier to use (see  Github for Mac seems like a good place to start.  I will report on how it goes soon. Until then… party on!