When systems work they are sweet. I recently signed up for Gravatar. It basically puts your picture onto comments and blogs that use the system. Well I logged onto Animoto and found my picture in my profile! I didn’t need to do anything. It just worked. Nice
Why is it that facebook has such a hard time figuring out the difference between real people and spam bots? I have seen lots of spam wall posts and such, but when I am writing messages like crazy trying to find my friend a ticket to the football game in 2 hours I get this…
And this was cool. I downloaded an app, ran it and got this system message.
I have never seen this before. How did they do that? I wish all apps would be as smart.
And I recently got a beta invite to a sweet app that is very tight on security.
Do you think that is smart? I can see that they would not want old and outdated screenshots being judged and stored for ever on the internet, but it seems like it would be hard to build buzz with a lockdown.