CSS frameworks


If a website is like building a house, a framework is like getting 4 sides and a roof. Just put that baby together and you are done.  You still have to know what you are doing (electrical, plumbing etc) but it is a lot faster.  

I learned about Blueprint today, a CSS framework. I like it.  But at the moment, it is not responsive. So I decided to use Skeleton instead.  To use a framework, you have to understand it.  It doesn't do everything for you.  But it does make it a lot easier.  For example, if you wanted to make a 3 column layout in Skeleton, you would define you object with a class of "three columns" and the framework does the rest.  You still have to worry about how big the object you are adding is, and how it reacts, but it arranges it for you.  

I didn't finish the project that I was working on, but be prepared to be blown away with a nice 3 by 3 grid tomorrow. 

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