More web hosting questions

So in my quest to learn more about web hosting I read a few guides.  Most of them seem like they were written at the dawn of the internet. One even mentioned Geocities as a "good option".  

The w3schools had a guide that I read, but I didn't learn much.  

I feel there needs to be a service that asks you questions about the website you want to set up.  

How many visitors do you expect? Are you going to use PHP? Are you going to use https? Etc.  After a few questions it narrows a list of hosting providers down for you and lets you sort by price, and other features. Maybe make a little affiliate revenue no? 

Brief post today as well.  I also learned about replacing 42 inch engine belts and moving drive shafts.  Hooray!

Hosting simple cheap options?

In order to have a personal website, you need web site hosting.  I don't feel like dedicating my Macbook (which is away getting its trackpad fixed) to hosting my website so I need to chose one.

I looked at answers on Quora to a couple of hosting questions

I don't need a lot of complexity or bandwidth.  Right now I am looking at the free Amazon account, Dreamhost, or maybe Namecheap.  I am leaning towards Namecheap because I have my domain names registered there.  I think the plan is Namecheap to start, and then set up a free Amazon instance to practice setting up servers.  I shall pull out the ye olde credit card tomorrow and get something running. 

Shot post but I aerated close to 20 lawns today so I think I shall call it a night. 

What is the Thing you really want?

Take a moment and think. If you could have anything, right now, what would it be? Anything. What is your strongest desire? What motivates you? To check if the Thing you just thought of, really is what you want most, imagine how you would feel after you got it. You want to be President of a small Caribbean nation? Boom, wake up and smell the salty sea air Presidenté. How do you feel? If you don’t feel at peace, you need to go a step deeper. What motivates what you thought of? If you wanted a million dollars but imagining that doesn’t give you peace, maybe what you want is security. Now think, after making sure that really is what you want, what did you do this week to take a step in the direction of that Thing. If you really do want a million dollars in the bank, what did you do to increase your balance or improve your cash flow? If the Thing you want most is a happy family, what did you do to make your family happy? Our time is one of the only level playing fields. No one can’t get any more time. Too often we spend our time on things that don’t satisfy us because they are not THE Thing. I can hear you saying, “But Josh, what is the Thing you want most? And what did you do to get it?”

For me, to know that I am living my life the right way, taking advantage of all the opportunities and challenges that come my way, is the most important Thing. I think about where I am spending my time often. I am religious and I believe that if I am doing what God wants me to do, that is the best way I can spend my time. If you don’t believe in a higher power, that’s ok. The things that God wants me to do are things that make us and everyone around us happy. Be nice to people. Serve them. Learn more. Organize. Create. Love everyone. Take time to think and ponder. So how am I doing reaching that goal? I am far from perfect. I don’t need to know the stages of the Russian monarchy and revolution but wikipedia just sucks you in.

Reviewing my week, I am happy that I did take steps towards reaching my goal. I know that in order to really accomplish what I could in life, I require more skills. Coding skills, design skills, bow staff skills. 🙂 By doing something everyday to learn more of these skills, I am progressing towards my goal. If you are religious, I think that by honing our skills we become more useful in Gods Kingdom. If you are not religious, learning these skills takes me one step closer towards a Caribbean palace and new country on the world map. Booya. What is your Thing and what did you do this week to get it? Feel free to comment or send me an email. I really do want to know.


(Editors note – I am writing some of these posts on my phone, so if you see errrrors, alert me and I will fix them. Your future president or Russian monarch thanks you. 🙂

Weekly Review 1 – just getting started

Writing this on a bus coming back from the Mariners game. It was a gorgeous day in Seattle, and the Mariners won. Broke a 7 game losing streak. I just started this week so there is not much to review. I committed to posting every day for a year. Haven’t missed a day yet. Decided I wanted to hand code my own personal website. Gave myself 2 weeks to do it. Looked into jQuery and found that while not magical it does help simplify making nice web pages. And there you have it. Thanks for following along. I’ve already had people give me hints and advice and encouragement. Thank you and here’s to a great next week.


(Go Seattle)


jQuery what art thou?

When you look at just about any web page these days, you see lots of $ symbols.  This means the web page is using jQuery.  What is jQuery? 

Basically jQuery takes a lot of tasks that are hard to do with javascript and html, and makes them easier.  For example dealing with files and xml documents is really hard normally.  jQuery reduces the hardness to a few commands. You still have to know what you are doing, but the process and the time it takes to make it happen is reduced. 

 I was hoping that jQuery would be some sort of Candy Mountain where I could type "make awesome webpage" and a beautiful page would appear.  Sadly it is not.  But jQuery is pretty cool.  

This post from StackOverflow has some suggestions about how to learn jQuery.  I will be using them in the coming weeks. 

Conclusion: jQuery is not Candy Mountain, but it is a nice off-road vehicle that can get you there faster. 


Mission #1 – Make a Personal Website

Everyone needs a sweet personal website.  I have a blog right now, but I just use Posterous.  I want to hand craft my own html and javascript to make it my own creation.  Why? Because I need to know how to do it.  I need to know how it works.  I am sick of templates and "this is great but…" and not being able to fix it. 

I was scanning the interwebz for inspiration and I found it.  Mick Hagen. I am going to copy  Mick is a great entrepreneur who founded Zinch.  His site is simple, and classy. 

So how do I do it? I spend a few minutes poking around Mick's site with the Dev tools on Safari.  What I found was good and bad.  

Good – simple site, not too much going on. 

Bad – lots of jQuery.  

How much do I know about jQuery? Well… I know it is a great web technology and I know the framework uses lots of $ symbols. Can you guess what my post tomorrow will be about? 

So my goal is to have a simple (simple people) personal website up and live on the internet, in 2 weeks. 

#LetsDoThis Day 2

(I think Captain America would have his own website.  And we all know how it would be.  Awesome.)


Post #1

Right here, right now, I am publicly committing to writing a blog post about something I learned everyday. For a year. Why? I am sick and tired of having ideas and not being able to make them become real. I will learn something new everyday. Let me know of your following along or you learned something as well. Posts will mostly be about technology and behavior. Sunday’s will be something inspirational or spiritual. If you don’t believe in a higher power, feel free to skip Sundays. I will post some goals that I want to accomplish over the course of this year tomorrow. Let’s do this.


How to Double your Macbook Memory for $45 in 10 minutes

I just bought 8 gb of Macbook memory from Amazon. Cost is $45. Is it worth it?

I use my computer for literally hours each day. Paying 45 dollars to increase the speed? Priceless. Also Apple made the process super easy.  I love Apple, and the way that they think through the problems a user might face. 


Clicked on About This Mac. Got a nice little overview. Notice it even tells me what type of memory to buy.  Apple thought about it and placed that information front and center. Nothing is worse than buying the wrong type of memory.  Nothing. 
But I wanted to be sure, so I clicked on more info. 

This great screen came up.  I clicked on the Memory tab, and saw this awesome screen. I was really surprised.  I had never seen this screen before and it is so well done. 

If you have ever replaced memory before, you know how awesome this screen is.  AWESOME. It tells you the type again, it tells you how many slots you have, and how much RAM you have in them.  Many a man has cried in the night when he purchased new RAM only to find that he didn't have the slots, or it was the wrong type. 

But it gets better.  I clicked on the Upgrade Instructions. 

Love how they put the link that says "Look, we know you don't know which model you have, so let's make this easy." It takes you to this nice page.


How simple is that?  Get your serial number, (Apple tells you where), type it the search box. Boom.  The only thing easier would be for Apple to put a hotlink on the serial number that would take you straight to the ID page. You hearing this Apple?

Then these wonderful instructions pop up, so when my RAM arrives in 2 days, with free shipping, due to my Amazon Prime membership, I can pop it right in.  Now I just need to find someone who has a really, really, tiny screwdriver.  I didn't even know they made a #00 size!

How much RAM do you have in your computer? 

PS – some links are affiliate.

How to Double your Macbook Memory for $45 in 10 minutes

I just bought 8 gb of Macbook memory from Amazon. Cost is $45. Is it worth it?

I use my computer for literally hours each day. Paying 45 dollars to increase the speed? Priceless. Also Apple made the process super easy.  I love Apple, and the way that they think through the problems a user might face. 


Clicked on About This Mac. Got a nice little overview. Notice it even tells me what type of memory to buy.  Apple thought about it and placed that information front and center. Nothing is worse than buying the wrong type of memory.  Nothing. 
But I wanted to be sure, so I clicked on more info. 

This great screen came up.  I clicked on the Memory tab, and saw this awesome screen. I was really surprised.  I had never seen this screen before and it is so well done. 

If you have ever replaced memory before, you know how awesome this screen is.  AWESOME. It tells you the type again, it tells you how many slots you have, and how much RAM you have in them.  Many a man has cried in the night when he purchased new RAM only to find that he didn't have the slots, or it was the wrong type. 

But it gets better.  I clicked on the Upgrade Instructions. 

Love how they put the link that says "Look, we know you don't know which model you have, so let's make this easy." It takes you to this nice page.


How simple is that?  Get your serial number, (Apple tells you where), type it the search box. Boom.  The only thing easier would be for Apple to put a hotlink on the serial number that would take you straight to the ID page. You hearing this Apple?

Then these wonderful instructions pop up, so when my RAM arrives in 2 days, with free shipping, due to my Amazon Prime membership, I can pop it right in.  Now I just need to find someone who has a really, really, tiny screwdriver.  I didn't even know they made a #00 size!

How much RAM do you have in your computer? 

PS – some links are affiliate.

Draw Something – Marmalade Error

If you have too many facebook friends Draw Something breaks.  But why?

I noticed this error when I tried to connect to some friends via fb.  The app threw up two really weird errors and crashed. 




It appears Draw Something knows about the error. But I wanted to know why.  I posted about the error and a few of my friends responded they had the same problem. I looked at the amount of friends they had and it is over a thousand in each case.  Can Draw Something just not handle a long list of fb friends?

Error (Marmalade v5.2.1)
Heap 0 out of memory. Allocating 768 but only 224 available (204 LFB). Increasing ice setting [s3e] MemSize (current value is 12000000).

An interesting side note is this error exposed the framework that Draw Something is using.