Legends Grill Pizza is Surprisingly Good

I love pizza. So when a few friends from the BYU Folkdance team wanted to go to Legends Grill for pizza, I was all in. Any you know what… it was really good. Like great. Who would have thought, great pizza from a grill.


Don’t worry, they are just really excited to eat the pizza.

Dropbox for the iPhone – Where have you been all my life…

This application is free.  It is amazing.  And everyone should be using it.  Seriously.  If you have an iPhone, you need to get this app.  If you don’t use Dropbox on your Mac yet, go to www.getdropbox.com and start using it.  Seriously.  So nice.  You have all your important files right with you.  You can download the important ones to the iPhone.  

So in all seriousness, if you have an iPhone, get this app.  


Twuffer.com is the Best


If you have ever needed to schedule tweets, Twuffer.com is the perfect service.  Easy, no crazy sign up, no account nastiness.  Just very simple and great.  Love it.  

Twuffer.com is the Best


If you have ever needed to schedule tweets, Twuffer.com is the perfect service.  Easy, no crazy sign up, no account nastiness.  Just very simple and great.  Love it.  

The Best Teacher Questions


Do your teachers (whether they be in school, your boss, your parents, or yourself) think of this list before they teach you?

  • How can I prepare and present information in a way that motivates my students to love learning?
  • How do I teach a group when some students learn faster or have more background than others?
  • How do I find a consistent teaching method when students have such different teaching styles?
  • How can I control the classroom and still give students individual freedom?
  • How can I make a deep, life-changing impact on my students?

Just think if every boss, teacher, employer, mom and dad thought of these questions.  This is what I am going to strive to do. 

(list from Learning and Teaching for Exponential Growth – A three person problem by Susan Peterson Gong)

The Best Teacher Questions


Do your teachers (whether they be in school, your boss, your parents, or yourself) think of this list before they teach you?

  • How can I prepare and present information in a way that motivates my students to love learning?
  • How do I teach a group when some students learn faster or have more background than others?
  • How do I find a consistent teaching method when students have such different teaching styles?
  • How can I control the classroom and still give students individual freedom?
  • How can I make a deep, life-changing impact on my students?

Just think if every boss, teacher, employer, mom and dad thought of these questions.  This is what I am going to strive to do. 

(list from Learning and Teaching for Exponential Growth – A three person problem by Susan Peterson Gong)

Come on NY Times. Just let me share it…

I tried to share a story that I really liked on Twitter from the NY Times.  I clicked the Twitter button.  And got this.


Why?  Just let me share the story.  I am helping you.  Why force me to register for your TimesPeople thing.  I just want to share a link.  Keep it simple.

PS – the story I wanted to share was this.

Don’t tell the Times I didn’t join. 🙂



I consider myself a designer in training.  No I don’t have a portfolio or anything, but I am going in that direction.  But sometimes (or I guess often) when I read design blogs such as I get depressed.  I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.  I guess I just saw lots of ideas and energy that are not contributing to anything.  The designers seemed more like artists.  Then I saw this comment on Core77 that said it all.

danny gumballsAugust 4, 2009 01:00 PM

I think the reason for the lack of general support for these experimental designers lies in the relative uselessness of their products. If you want your products be more about esoteric meaning than actual function and use, then you are an artist. If that is the case, awesome, there is never too many artists. If you want to be taken serious as a designer, then address utility. Furniture is cool, inflatable stuff is even cooler, but we have crazy high health care costs, and internal combustion engine cars dominating the highways. Why not tackle the real design problems like cheaper and more useful medical products, and alternative transportation/energy. There are an abundance of talented designers currently working on these problems, and unfortunately are not flocking to these clubs. They are too busy billing hours to satisfy the needs of progressive corporations and government agencies who are making money by addressing real issues.

The world has problems and I think that designers should be solving them.  Not creative crazy furniture.  

Trademarks and Such

So I received an invitation to a dance party. They claim to be the one and only, even going so far as to trademark their name. I thought that was sweet so I looked up their trademark… and didn’t find it. False advertising? Maybe. Or maybe it is just the usually DJ spin. It still is a pretty crazy dance party, even if it isn’t trademarked.
