iTunes Online Gifts on Facebook

Interesting.  Kind of a cool idea.  I love it when Apple does anything in the social media category.  

Available in the US only, you can now purchase iTunes Online Gifts through Facebook.  

You pick your theme, pick your amount from 5 to 50 dollars and an electronic gift card will be posted to your friends wall, and to their email.  

This is powered by Gift Card Mall, and of course, Facebook.  

Interesting idea.  I would love to get one, am it makes a lot of sense for friends and family that don’t live close.  

(edited) Apparently, they take 4 hours to deliver.  Not exactly instant, but close. 


iTunes Online Gifts on Facebook

Interesting.  Kind of a cool idea.  I love it when Apple does anything in the social media category.  

Available in the US only, you can now purchase iTunes Online Gifts through Facebook.  

You pick your theme, pick your amount from 5 to 50 dollars and an electronic gift card will be posted to your friends wall, and to their email.  

This is powered by Gift Card Mall, and of course, Facebook.  

Interesting idea.  I would love to get one, am it makes a lot of sense for friends and family that don’t live close.  

(edited) Apparently, they take 4 hours to deliver.  Not exactly instant, but close. 


How to Answer the Tough Sales Question With Honesty


This is from an article in Entrepreneur. 

The author states that sometimes the hardest questions are the big opened ended ones like "Why should we buy from you?"

Here is how he suggested you could answer that question.  I really like the emphasis on honesty and openness.  

Customer: So, tell us this. Why should we buy from you?

You: Honestly, it would be arrogant of me at this point to say why you should buy from us. I'm not even sure you should buy from us, much less why.

What I can tell you right now is why certain people buy from us, and why certain people don't buy from us. I can also give you an idea of why others buy from our competitors, and why some don't.

That's not bluster. Some customers put a great deal of emphasis on flexibility, others value clarity of contracts. I don't know which you value more. And that's just one small component; I'd be happy to list the issues we need to talk about in order to learn who you should buy from.

Nobody is better than everyone else across every single dimension–including us. So it's critical we talk about your various needs to determine who your best supplier is. If we sit down and talk honestly about what's important to you, together we'll learn whether my company is your the best supplier.

So let's get to work. Let's start working to figure out who you should buy from.

MacHeist Rising

I just got this email.  I didn’t mind it because I saw the MacHeist brand.  MacHeist is on the rise.  So far, I have had such a good experience with them, I would download just about anything they would offer.  That is a brand on the rise. 

Ramp Champ

You’re getting this email since you’ve received an Iconfactory product through MacHeist.
Click here to edit your email subscriptions

Various Thoughts from the Interwebs

When systems work they are sweet.  I recently signed up for Gravatar.  It basically puts your picture onto comments and blogs that use the system.  Well I logged onto Animoto and found my picture in my profile!  I didn’t need to do anything.  It just worked.  Nice


Why is it that facebook has such a hard time figuring out the difference between real people and spam bots? I have seen lots of spam wall posts and such, but when I am writing messages like crazy trying to find my friend a ticket to the football game in 2 hours I get this…


And this was cool.  I downloaded an app, ran it and got this system message.  


I have never seen this before.  How did they do that?  I wish all apps would be as smart.

And I recently got a beta invite to a sweet app that is very tight on security.  


Do you think that is smart? I can see that they would not want old and outdated screenshots being judged and stored for ever on the internet, but it seems like it would be hard to build buzz with a lockdown.  

Various Thoughts from the Interwebs

When systems work they are sweet.  I recently signed up for Gravatar.  It basically puts your picture onto comments and blogs that use the system.  Well I logged onto Animoto and found my picture in my profile!  I didn’t need to do anything.  It just worked.  Nice


Why is it that facebook has such a hard time figuring out the difference between real people and spam bots? I have seen lots of spam wall posts and such, but when I am writing messages like crazy trying to find my friend a ticket to the football game in 2 hours I get this…


And this was cool.  I downloaded an app, ran it and got this system message.  


I have never seen this before.  How did they do that?  I wish all apps would be as smart.

And I recently got a beta invite to a sweet app that is very tight on security.  


Do you think that is smart? I can see that they would not want old and outdated screenshots being judged and stored for ever on the internet, but it seems like it would be hard to build buzz with a lockdown.  

Square – I love this already


I saw someone talking about accepting credit cards from your phone on Twitter.  It’s already been done, I thought, and it stinks.  20 dollar monthly fee, problems, complicated etc.  Then I saw it again and finally clicked on the link.  

Wow.  So cool.  

I want this now, am I don’t even have to accept payments that often.  Also I loved their use of Twitter lists on the About Us Page.  


Good luck to Square.  They have the 3rd Google link behind Wikipedia so they must be doing something right.  🙂