Amazing CGI


[vimeo w=600&h=339]

I saw this movie.  It is about 11 minutes long.  And completely computer generated.  Simply amazing. Not till the end did I real become convinced that it was NOT real.  

Track Karma?


Found this interesting site through the Fast Company blog. gives you a unique code to put on a card which you pass along after you do a good deed.  By logging on and reporting on these good deeds, the "pay it forward" idea can be tracked.  

I like the idea, don't know if it will work. Similar to Where's George – the dollar bill tracking project, but with an interesting do gooder social twist.  

Avatar is an Epic movie


Just got back from seeing Avatar.  I thought the effects and graphics were amazing.  The story was good.  Too much swearing, but overall, I really liked the movie.  As one of the most expensive movie ever it lived up to the amount of money that Fox spent on it.  

I saw it in 3D and liked that the effect was subtle.  I didn't get a headache and enjoyed the extra sense of depth and motion. 

Avatar is an Epic movie


Just got back from seeing Avatar.  I thought the effects and graphics were amazing.  The story was good.  Too much swearing, but overall, I really liked the movie.  As one of the most expensive movie ever it lived up to the amount of money that Fox spent on it.  

I saw it in 3D and liked that the effect was subtle.  I didn't get a headache and enjoyed the extra sense of depth and motion.