Churchill made decisions.
We often admire leaders because they make hard decisions. They see a course, and set the path, even when that is unpopular or hard.
Why do we often have a hard time "leading" ourselves?
I have a hard time making decisions. I sometimes put them off because I don't want to miss other opportunities. However, this itself leads to lost opportunities and stress. I have decided to make more decisions.
Make a decision
It doesn't have to be a wise decision or a perfect one. Just make one.
In fact, make several. Make more decisions could be your three word mantra.
No decision is a decision as well, the decision not to decide. Not deciding is usually the wrong decision. If you are the go-to person, the one who can decide, you'll make more of a difference. It doesn't matter so much that you're right, it matters that you decided.
Of course it's risky and painful. That's why it's a rare and valuable skill.
Amen. I love this topic, and I actually took a "Life Planning and Decision Making" class at BYU. "Make more decisions." So often the failures in my life are the direct result of a decision-making lapse. Excellent.